How Does It Work?
Promoters Buy Tickets
Tickets are used as keys to unlock and gain access to products, services, and experiences offered by projects on this platform. Each project has 10 million tickets, and project owners use these tickets to decide how much money goes to the people who promote their project. If you have more tickets as a project promoter, you’ll get a bigger piece of the project’s earnings as you promote the project, distribute tickets and people pay for the project’s products, services, and experiences on this platform.
Promoters Promote Projects
As people promote projects and sell tickets, they can make money by selling those tickets at any price they choose. This makes being a project promoter a profitable opportunity, which motivates people to buy and sell the project’s tickets and promote the project’s goods, services and experiences.
Customers Pay for Products, Services And Experiences
When project promoters promote a project, and customers pay for its products, services, and experiences on this platform, a portion of the money will be saved to compensate project owners and promoters who keep selling the project’s tickets
Tickets Distribute Revenue to Project Promoters
When project promoters promote a project and customers buy its products, services, or experiences on this platform, some of the money will be set aside and shared with project owners and then to project promoters after they sell the project’s tickets.
Customers Pay for Products, Services And Experiences
When project promoters promote a project, and customers pay for its products, services, and experiences on this platform, a portion of the money will be saved to compensate project owners and promoters who keep selling the project’s tickets
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